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Hi Steve, Thanks for the video. As always : a picture is better than a thousand words: Many punters have been looking for the Holy Grail, and I think this is the closest thing to it that I have seen in a long long time. Looking forward to tonights UK races. Very impressed with strategy. Regards Garry W Hi Steve, I have been involved in racing for forty years & during that time i have purchased so many systems over the years, probably hundreds!. Not until I saw this one All By The Book, have I seen an opportunity to invest in the horses, and know I will win & if i do loose its only peanuts!! overall it wins most times. This is by far the cleverest way to stack the odds in my favour, and to think it’s the bookies and not Betfair that make it possible. Thanks for this brilliant piece of gear. Dave 14th April Just a brief note to say thanks for the all in the book system - ingenious !! I never thought that any testimonial was EVER genuine, but here I am sending one myself. Thanks again Regards
What if I told you that Betting Can Be
A Steady, Profitable Business?
One that you can run from your very own home?!
Are you always worried about money, or the lack of it?
Are you always losing when betting on the horses?
Are you only able to build a small betting bank?
Do you find yourself unable to put what little money you have to good use?
Do you need a simple and effective plan to help you win?
YOU SEE IT IN ACTION ON VIDEOYou get an instructional Video showing the System. It takes you through 6 races on a race day, so you know how to use the method. Video can be viewed after obtaining the System |
To: Webmaster Message: Just thought I would let you know how I am doing with this purchase based on your recommend. Early days but the following achieved on the
first 4 days. Maximum race risk and loss over the 4 days was £5.15 I would comment that it is not as easy as stated to achieve the time scale. The time involved in getting everything done to play races (7 is the most I had to sort in 1 day) cannot be done in under 30 minutes in my experience. I have spent well over an hour each day. However, if this continues to average the daily amount of profit shown above it is a worthwhile extremely low risk method returning far better than bank Cheers, |
The REAL SecretYou may have seen, read or at least heard of, "The Secret." Well here is the real secret, in a nutshell:Take 100 footballers, or tennis players, or even 100 people fpom any club. In fact, take any 100 people randomly. What you will discover in any group is the same thing:
What makes the 5% so good, it is not education. The world is full of educated derelicts. Nor is it money, or class status or anything that easily specific. What makes them winners and separates them from all the rest is CHOICE and BEHAVIOUR! That is the real SECRET! Not Magic. Anyone can do it... it's just that most people (95%) don't! Here is a great example! We have sold many systems. But, guess WHAT?! Most read it and say, "oh, well, too hard... won't suit me." Or, "I work, so I can't do it." And where is their copy now? Yep, still sitting on their hard drive, if they even opened it at all! That is the "95%'ers" approach!!They had the same choice you have now, and they accepted their behavior, which was to do NOTHING! -- just like all the other SYSTEMS they purchased before (and will probably purchase afterward)! Because buying the system isn't the end... it's only the beginning! But, they did not have to choose that course. (And neither do you!) Now, what the 5%'ers DID was choose another course. They bought the very same system, READ it, even several times if necessary (some even printed it up, to study it as they took the bus to work), until they completely understood every portion of the system. And, if they didn't understand something, they asked questions, until everything was clear. In short, they did whatever it took< to master the system! But, at this point, their choices are little different from the choices of the 15%'ers. NOW, for the difference!! What did the 5%'ers DO DIFFERENTLY than all the rest?
They TOOK ACTION! And they did not quit as soon as they had a loss. They did not wane from the instructions! AND, YES they are still, to this DAY, MAKING MONEY!! You see the difference? All of them bought the system. They made the same choice. But 95% never bothered to follow it. Or, if they did, they did not stick to it. Do you SEE how their BEHAVIOUR was THE DIFFERENCE?!?! The bottom line is: Those that are following it are making VERY HEALTHY RETURNS!! |
If you are keen to Make Racing PAY YOU.
Let's Summarize The Strategy of
If you don't accept this offer where will you be with your punting in a month from now? 2010-25 © Steve Davidson © 2010-25 Refund Policy We, as a merchant, provide both products (goods) and services (information) to our customers. If merchandise or products are ordered through a Direct Mail advertisement or via the Internet, the guarantee, if any, is included in the mailing, promotion or service description. Our advertising will also include the terms and conditions for refunds on any books, publications and/or systems purchased. |
Steve Davidson
copyright 2013